To understand how Astrology or, Cosmo-Biology works, we need to have an understanding of how the metaphysical flows through all Life forms. In our daily Earthly lives our experience is of physical form, however on a subtle level everything from a blade of grass to the most distant Star is energy at different rates of vibration and resonance. Our energetic field is made up of billions and billions of tiny particles of energy. This energy is changing nano second by nano second as is the energy which surrounds us in the Universe.
From the moment that we embody our physical form we are, and are in, an energetic exchange of Light and Particle and each of the cycles of each of the planetary bodies informs and develops this subtle energetic system. As physical beings we are multi-dimensional - having an
Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Body Consciousness,
housed within the auric system, which links each of these levels through our endocrine system, which in turn, informs our DNA.
Quantum physics and cellular biology are at the cutting edge of reuniting Mind Body and Spirit - Science and Spirituality - and our interconnection with the Universal Energy Field, via the Solar System, Galaxy and beyond. According to quantum physics there is no such thing as space - we are all interconnected within a subtle energetic field that flows out from the depth of each individual cell to the furthest points of the Universe.
The principle of
'As a man thinks - so he is'
is a reality. Our everyday impressions, reactions, feelings, thoughts and actions are played out moment by moment and these impressions are laid down/stored up within our subtle energetic system, our consciousness, sub-consciousness and latent DNA programming. If a thought is held for a any length of time, be it positive or negative, then that thought will underpin the character and circumstances of the individual.